14 research outputs found

    Translation Strategies Applied in the Information Boards of Malukat Temple in Gianyar, Bali: A Study of Linguistics Landscape

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    This study aims to describe the syntactic scope of information boards found in self-cleaning (Malukat) temples in Gianyar, Bali. In addition, this study also examines the translation strategies of bilingual information boards (Indonesian and English). The method used in this research is a qualitative approach in order to describe the syntactic scope and translation strategies on the data in found in Tirta Empul Temple. The data analysis applies the theory of landscape linguistics proposed by Yendra and Artawa (2020) and is supported by several micro linguistics theories, as follows: 1) syntactic scope theory by Noortyani (2017), 2) translation strategy theory by Molina and Albir (2002), and 3) translation equivalence theory by Nida (2000). The results of this study show that the information boards in the temples have various syntactic scopes, namely in the form of phrases and sentences. However, it is dominantly found in the form of sentences. It is because the information conveyed on the boards is more detail and clearly presented so that they are easily understood by visitors. Meanwhile, the translation strategy of the public space signboard uses calque, literal, established equivalent, and reduction strategies. The literal translation strategy dominantly used on the public signs at the temples because it is easier to understand since it is translated word per word.


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    The goals of this study is (1) to identify the different types of adjective phrase translation shifts and (2) to analyzes how the translation equivalent of adjective phrase appears in the subtitle Red Notice Movie 2021 translation shift. The theory from Catford (1965) was used to analyze the varieties of translation shift of adjective phrase translation shifts, while the theory from Bell (1991) was used to analyze the translation equivalent. This study used observation to collect data and qualitative descriptive analysis to analyze the data. Red Notice 2021 was used as a data source. The result of this study got 64 data for the total in the types of translation shift are 23 level shifts, 11 structure shifts, 9 class shifts, and 21 unit shifts, except intra-system shift. Meanwhile, the translation equivalent results are 25 fully equivalent, 33 meaning decreases, 1 meaning increase, and non-equivalent. 4 different meanings, 1 meaningless Level shifts are the most common, and class shifts are the least common. Meanwhile, decreased meaning is the most common type of translation equivalent, increased meaning is the least data in partial equivalent, and no meaning is the least data in non-equivalent. Moreover, translation shifts are required to address these issues and to serve as a strategy for forming the equivalent. Keywords: Translation Shift, Translation Equivalent, Adjective Phras


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    Many social medias provide machine translation to help the users understand any caption made in another languages. But it is something gives inaccurate translation which makes the meaning is not delivered properly. The study aims to identify types of semantic errors in lexis made by Instagram Machine Translation found in the National Geographic Indonesia’s Instagram captions. Observation method and note taking technique is used in to collect the data from National Geographic Indonesia Instagram Account from May until October. This study used a descriptive qualitative method in analyzing types of semantic errors in lexis and applying the theory types of semantic errors in lexis by James (1998). The result shows that the confusion of sense relations in choosing a wrong synonym is mostly found in data source. This phenomenon occurred because Instagram Machine Translation literally translated the source language to the target language which have several synonyms and different meaning in each use without considering the overall context of the caption. Keywords: semantic errors in lexis, Instagram, machine translatio


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    This research focuses on the semantic errors in lexis occurred in the translation by Instagram Machine Translation. This research aims at identifying the types of semantic error in lexis made by Instagram Machine Translation found in the Joko Widodo’s Instagram account. This research also analyses semantic errors in lexis to show how Instagram machine translation works and the potential errors that it may cause. This study utilized observation method in collecting the data. Descriptive qualitative method was applied in analyzing the semantic errors in lexis by elaborating each type of them. In addition, translation procedures were also examined to find out clear explanation on what procedures contribute to the errors. The data were taken from the posts in Joko Widodo’s Instagram account and were analyzed by the semantic errors in lexis based on theory by James (1998). The study concluded that the confusion of sense relations in choosing a wrong synonym is mostly found in the translation of Instagram machine translation

    Faithful Translation Applied in Translating Webtoon I Love Yoo

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    The aim of translation is to transfer meaning from the source language to the target language. There are some methods that can be used in translating the text, one of them is faithful translation. Faithful translation method is a method that reproduces the exact contextual meaning of the original within the limits of the grammatical structures of the target language. This study focuses on analyzing faithful translation methods in the webtoon “I Love Yoo”. The objective of this study is to identify how the faithful translation method is applied in translating webtoon Ï Love Yoo”. The method applied in this study is qualitative descriptive method and the data were taken from the 1st to 10th episode of webtoon “I Love Yoo”. The data collected were analyzed by reading both versions of the webcomic, classified each sentence according to the translation methods and explained why the sentences are included into each translation method. To analyze the data, this study used the theory translation method proposed by Newmark (1988). It is found that 8 translation methods were applied but faithful translation method is most frequently used because the translator translates cultural terms and maintains the degree of grammatical and lexical faithfully to the intentions and the text-realisation of the source language writer.

    Pengenalan Sistem Pembelajaran Daring serta Evaluasi Pengetahuan Siswa dalam Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris

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    Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meninjau sejauh mana perkembangan siswa dan pengajar di SDN 5 Manukaya dalam penggunaan aplikasi pembelajaran daring, serta mendampingi para siswa dan pengajar dalam penggunaan aplikasi tersebut. Permasalahan yang dihadapi selama masa observasi di SDN 5 Manukaya, Tampaksiring, Gianyar adalah siswa belum memahami betul sistem atau fitur aplikasi pembelajaran daring yang digunakan oleh pengajar yaitu Google Classroom.  Selain itu, siswa juga belum paham cara penggunaan fitur-fitur pada Laptop dalam pembelajaran daring khususnya dalam penggunaan Microsoft Word, sehingga hal ini mempengaruhi pemahaman siswa dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris. Adapun program yang telah dilaksanakan pada kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah pengenalan fitur-fitur pada aplikasi pembelajaran daring Google Classroom, pengenalan fitur dan cara pengoperasian software Microsoft Word yang mendukung pembelajaran daring, serta evaluasi pengetahuan siswa dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris. Metode yang digunakan dengan menerapkan sistem pendekatan, yaitu dengan langsung berinteraksi dengan siswa dan menggunakan media pembelajaran daring dalam melakukan pengenalan fitur-fitur aplikasi pembelajaran daring. Hasil dari kegiatan ini menjadikan masyarakat, dalam hal ini pengajar dan siswa, bisa lebih memahami penggunaan fitur-fitur aplikasi Google Classroom dan Microsoft Word yang mendukung kelancaran pembelajaran daring khususnya mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris


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    The literal translation employed in the subtitle of the movie "Encanto" was the primary focus of this study. The purpose of the study is to identify the main categories of translation procedures utilized in the movie subtitle for "Encanto" and to discuss how the literal translation procedures are applied. In this study, the qualitative descriptive approach was applied. The data for the study was derived from the movie’s subtitle, "Encanto." The data were acquired through viewing the motion, reading the script, assessing many sorts of translation techniques, correlating the dialogue to the script, classifying and recognizing words, phrases, and clauses, then lastly selecting and noting the various categories of data. The information was seen and examined by utilizing Newmark's (1988) theory of translation procedures. There is one dominant type found in this research, such as literal translation, procedures about 24 data are found in this research. Literal procedure the subtitle translated into the closest meaning


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    This study focuses on Oliver Twist inferiority feeling during his childhood life. Oliver Twist as the main character of the novel experienced several miserable treatments from people around him. Along with the inferiority feeling, unfortunately it brings some effects towards him. This is the reason of why this study created by describing the inferiority feelings together with the impact qualitatively. Since the study is in literature matter, psychological and sociological approaches were applied to elaborate the inferior feeling experienced by the main character. There were five settings where Oliver Twist got bad treatment done by several supporting figures and made him become an innocent, rebel and courageous boy as the effects of those inferiority in this study


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    Pandemi Covid-19 memang berdampak sangat signifikan terhadap perekrutan pekerja di Bali bahkan tidak sedikit yang dirumahkan. Bekerja dari rumah merupakan solusi terbaik untuk tetap bertahan di situasi apapun termasuk jika pandemi terjadi lagi di negeri ini. Salah satu pekerjaan bagi lulusan Sastra Inggris yang bisa dilakukan di rumah adalah menjadi seorang penerjemah. Atas dasar inilah pelatihan ini diadakan guna meningkatkan kompetensi alumni Fakultas Bahasa Asing Prodi Sastra Inggris Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar. Metode pelatihan diawali dengan metode ceramah kemudian dilanjutkan dengan latihan/praktik serta diskusi. Topik yang dibahas merupakan topik yang sering diminta oleh para klien seperti karya sastra, dokumen sah, dan artikel ilmiah. Hasil pelatihan ini adalah para alumni mampu menguasai teknik penerjemahan serta menjadi percaya diri jika mendapatkan peluang sebagai penerjemah lepas

    Tourism and Foreign Language Training for Local Merchants and Guides in Penglipuran Tourism Village of Bangli Regency

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    Community service in form of practical tourism and foreign language training for local merchants and guides in Penglipuran tourist village, Bangli regency was aimed at improving the knowledge of Japanese tourism and vocabulary and English in accordance with the appropriate grammar. The targets in this training were local merchants and guides in Penglipuran village who had less knowledge about tourism and the proper usage of foreign language. Not only the training of tourism and practical foreign languages, local merchants and guides were also given knowledge about the characteristics of domestic and international tourists, as well as ways of serving the tourists in accordance with the agreed standards. The special target of this dedication was to find a social formula to solve the problems that occurred in the tourist village of Penglipuran. The fostering system implemented so far was less effective so that it led to a decline in knowledge about tourism and foreign languages for local merchants and guides who were the tourism actors expected to provide correct information to the tourists. If this was left unchecked, the number of tourist arrivals and local merchants and guides who had international standard capability would continue to decrease annually. The method of devotion used was the workshop and FGD so that the results of teaching could be understood by Penglipuran village management to continue to conduct trainings that educate local merchants and guides